In every investment there are trade secrets and best practices that when followed will earn the Investors good returns on investment (ROI).
The main reason Investors Invest in Real Estate is to generate wealth, to earn cash flow that is generated from rental income or a passive income among other reasons.
Real Estate Investment is a capital intensive venture, therefore you need to get it right from onset. Below are rules you must follow or put in mind to gain from your real estate business or investment.
Rule 1. Buy low Sell High, this means you go where people are interested in buying and invest first, sell to them later.
Rule 2. Scout land or property in strategic locations with high growth potential.
Rule 3. Do your due diligence on the property (search) and on the owner of the property.
Rule 4. Use only original documents, ID, Title Deed etc.
Rule 5. Employ services of an advocate who is conversant with land conveyancing from beginning, lawyers have Power of Attorney.
Rule 6. Be involved in the process, use third parties but be involved and get full information from all quarters.
Rule 7. Be inquisitive, second guess everything until you get facts before making any move.
Rule 8. Never take shortcuts it may be costly.
Rule 9. Trust your instincts and always have a witness in all transactions.
Rule 10. Ensure land registry has updated all information to your favour in their records (green card or white card).
The above rules are not in any order but they are very important in real estate investment. Real Estate is a lucrative business, hence, many unscrupulous traders take advantage of that to make quick money, be smart, have all the information to enable you make good decisions before commiting.
10 Real Estate Investment Rules